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Galloway Pet Sitting

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Tel: 01776 840442
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Email: molly@gallowaypetsitting.co.uk

Personal Information

Company Name:Galloway Pet Sitting
Full Name:Molly Irving


County:Dumfries and Galloway

Licence Details

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Services Offered

  • Home Dog Boarding
  • Home Cat Boarding
  • Home Small Animal Boarding
  • House Sitting
  • Dog Walking
  • Doggie Day Care Center
  • Pop In Service to Feed Animals

About Galloway Pet Sitting

I am a 21-year-old living at home with my mother and Father. We live in a rural area so lots of potential dog-walking spots. There are also two paddocks on our property that are fenced all the way around with a gate for access to allow them to run while being supervised. There are no children in our immediate area however we do have one small dog and cat who are very docile, and there will be limited (if any) interaction between them and your pets. I am more than happy looking after a wide variety of pets, not just dogs and cats. I am very experienced at petsitting and housesitting as I can also do live-in pet sitting. I am used to giving pets medication (including insulin injections) and I am always happy to meet up and see how your pet responds to me and vice versa before you decide if I am the right person to look after your pet.

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Telephone:01776 840442
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